Friday, November 29, 2019
Non-Medicinal Drugs And Aids Essays - Drug Control Law, Drug Culture
Non-Medicinal Drugs And Aids Based on the expierience and knowledge I have toward drugs, drug use, and the effects of, I have conclued that legalizing non-medicinal drugs would be be wrong. The capability these days to aquire drugs are very high. It's now possible to mail order drugs, get them in parties, cities, rural areas, malls, street sidewalks, anywhere, really. Therefore why should you need them to become legal. For several decades drugs have been one of the major problems of society. There have been escalating costs spent on the war against drugs and countless dollars spent on rehabilitation, but the problem still exists. Not only has the drug problem increased but drug related problems are on the rise. Drug abuse is a killer in our country. Some are born addicts(crack babies), while others become users. The result of drug abuse is thousands of addicts in denial. The good news is the United States had 25,618 total arrests and 81,762 drug seizures due to drugs in 1989 alone, but the bad news is the numbers of prisoners have increased by 70 percent which will cost about $30 million dollars. Despite common wisdom, the U.S isn't experiencing a drug related crime wave. Government surveys show between 1980 - 1987 burglary rates fell 27 percent, robbery 21 percent and payde 2 murders 13 percent, but with new drugs on the market these numbers are up. One contraversial solution is the proposal of legalizing drugs. Although people feel that legalizing drugs would lessen crime, drugs should remain illegal in the U.S because there would be an increase of drug abuse and a rapid increase of diseases such as AIDS. Many believe that legalizing drugs would lessen crime. They point out that the legalization of drugs would deter future criminal acts. They also emphasize and contrast Prohibition. When the public realized that Prohibition could not be enforced the law was repealed. From this, one may infer the same of legalizing drugs. Legalizing alcohol didn't increase alcoholism, so why would drugs increase drug abuse? However, drugs should not be legalized because there would be an increase in drug abuse due to its availability. Once legalized, drugs would become cheaper and more accessible to people who previously had not tried drugs, because of the high price or the legal risk. Drug abuse would skyrocket! Addicts who tend to stop, not by choice, but because the drugs aren't accessible would now feed the addiction if drugs were made legal. These drug addicts would not be forced payde 3 to kick the habit due to the availability of the drug they would partake eagerly. The temptation to use drugs would increase when advertisements for cocaine, heroin and marijuana are displayed on television. Instead of money used by employed addicts, you will see welfare funds used to purchase drugs. If welfare funds were being misused, this would cause a major problem in the economy. Drugs must not be legalized. It puts our country at a terrible risk. Health officials have shown that the legalization of drugs would cause a rapid increase of diseases such as AIDS. AIDS poses a growing threat to addicts, and thus to society as a whole. The virus that causes AIDS is growing, due to drug addicts who share needles and syringes. The sharing of such needles by intravenous drug users helps increase the spread of AIDS. Infection among IV drug abusers is continuing to occur at a very steady rate, warn Richard E. Chaisson director of the AIDS service at John Hopkins University. In the U.S gay men still make up the primary risk group, although 750,000 to 1 million drug addicts are believed to be at risk to AIDS nationally. The problem here is the sharing of needles, which is causing the spread of AIDS. IV drug abusers are killing our nation at an amazingly payde 4 fast speed. AIDS which surfaced in the 80's is now on the rise and even more deadly to IV drug users. The sharing of needles must be stopped. Drugs should not be legalized. Although people feel that legalizing drugs would lessen crime, drugs should remain illegal in the U.S because there would be an increase of drug abuse and a rapid increase of diseases such as AIDS. The United States can not afford this problem. It has become a world power by strengthening its people not by killing them. Drug abuse has
Monday, November 25, 2019
Deontology and Computer Programer Essays
Deontology and Computer Programer Essays Deontology and Computer Programer Essay Deontology and Computer Programer Essay A strict deontological would have no qualms about doing his duty. The Seven Oaks Philosophy website states, Theories in this category (demonology) address the question of what makes one action right and another one wrong irrespective of the consequences of the action. That means no matter the result a strict deontological will do his duty. I, the computer programmer, have sworn an oath to never intervene in any government action. If I were to interrupt the launch, that action would be ring, because I would be intervening in government actions, without giving any thought to the consequences after the launch. So a true deontological would not stop the launch nor divert the flight path and I believe my true duty would be a computer programmer that will not mess in government business. Let us put the situation to the test of Cants Categorical Imperative. The only thing GOOD about the act is the WILL, the GOOD WILL. That will is to do our DUTY. What is our duty? It is our duty to CT in such a manner that we would want everyone else to act in a similar manner in similar circumstances towards all other people. ( ICC. CUNY. Du/ Categorical_eliminative. HTML) So lets put this to the test- would I want Deltas (or any other country) computer programmer to Just do his Job and not stop millions of people dying? Of coarse I would want him to stop the launch, and thus l, using CLC should stop the launch. But would these actions be fulfilling my duty? Using Cants ironically I believe it would because my duty would not be Just a computer programmer, but our duty Is to act In such a manner that we would want everyone else to act. These entirely two different actions would definitely put the strict deontological at odds with Emmanuel Cants philosophy. Not so much In doing our duty, as using the philosophy to determine WHAT Is our duty. If I truly am the computer programmer In this scenario, I would definitely not allow the launch to happen and face the consequences of not doing my assigned Job.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Whie lies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Whie lies - Essay Example Where is the morality in lying? What if it is discovered later that that you lied to save a face? I remember an instance during my first grade when I had to lie to a teacher to prove that my best friend, suspected to have stolen a classmate’s book, was innocent. I wanted to save him from shame, but ended up bearing the whole burden of shame when the book was found in his backpack. Another incidence is when I tried covering for my brother, Jack, who had gotten drunk in the company of his friends. He had gone straight to bed for fear of being reprimanded by our father, who could never condone such a behavior. After telling dad that Jack was just feeling unwell, he went straight to our room to check on Jack and a minute later, I was called by him and what followed still has a permanent place in my mind. That slap still reminds me to date of my responsibility to be honest in my statements. Lying promotes immoral and irresponsible behavior. In order to live in a society with a culture of honesty, where moral principles direct people’s behavior, we must keep off lies, whether harmful or
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Characteristics of the Ideal Man and the Ideal Woman in Three Essay
Characteristics of the Ideal Man and the Ideal Woman in Three Different Cultures - Essay Example This means that the qualities that are associated with masculinity are intelligence, daring, courage, wisdom, and physical strength. Women in Muslim culture are expected to be caring, patient, considerate, kind, and obedient to their husbands. The Muslim culture holds that women are different from men in significant emotional and intellectual ways. That means that their trust of the decisions made on their behalf by male members of the family is paramount to their well being (North and Trip, 2012). In Hindu culture, men are also expected to be the primary breadwinners in the family. Jobless men are not respected as much as those who have steady jobs. Intelligence, wisdom, physical strength, virility and perseverance are qualities that are attributed to real masculinity in Hindu culture. Hindu women are expected to be caring homemakers who respect the values of their ancestors. Even though modern Hindu women are embracing working lives in increasing numbers, traits such as submissiven ess and quietness are still valued in the Hindu woman in Hindu society. The United States has more balance between the roles of men and women in society than most other cultures around the world, and so there is not much variation between how men and women are expected to behave. ... g the ‘perfect’ women in this book tend to be homemakers and daughters who remained faithful to their male relatives even when their lives were negatively affected by their sacrificial obedience. Muslim cultures revere their examples and expect their women to emulate their examples. On the other hand, the Qur’an stipulates that men have been put by â€Å"allah†in positions of authority over women. This means that women’s obedience to men is indisputable; and that any woman who does not believe this is risking her immortal soul. Muslims therefore tend to adhere to rules concerning the roles of the sexes in a more rigid fashion than is the case with other cultures (Long, 2005). In the Hindu culture, the attitudes about the roles of the sexes and the preferable traits for both sexes are influenced by the Vedas, which are the sacred texts in the Hindu religion. In the partriarchal system supported by this texts, a man’s masculinity is confirmed b y the obedience of all women in his household to his rules. If a man does not rule over his wife, then the perpetuation of the rules of the Vedas concerning the continuation of rightful authority are broken. If a daughter refuses to serve her father and brothers or a wife disobeys her husband, then the established order of communication between the male and female sex is disturbed and this disorder will be observed in other elements of nature. The importance of perpetuating these believes about the roles of both genders therefore has a religious basis, just as is the case in the Muslim cultures. In American culture, the changes that are now evident in society concerning the roles of men and women were not always there. Just a century ago, women were mainly expected to concentrate on bearing children and maintaining the
Monday, November 18, 2019
Foundational Philosophies of Management-Terence Essay
Foundational Philosophies of Management-Terence - Essay Example In the reference list the foundation philosopher that will be analyzed is Sharpe, C. This is because his 2011 work, Online Resources for Senior Citizens, provide techniques for ensuring effective use of communication technologies like the internet, by the senior citizens worldwide. The analysis will also look at the philosophy described by Zain et al. (2011) and Nejmej (2012). Sharpe explains that communication technology improves service delivery to the senior citizens, and enables them effectively and efficiently access information. For instance, a lot of government services are currently provided through the internet. The senior citizens must therefore, understand how to use the internet and access the online resources properly. One important online resource for the senior citizens is the ElderWeb. This is a website which is very effective in research on older people, families and professionals, seeking information concerning elderly care or long term care (Bandura, 2003). Tourism websites like Exploritas is helpful to the senior citizens because, it arranges for learning and travel adventures of the senior citizens. Social security administration is also conducted online. The senior citizen can therefore know their social security status through the internet, instead of visiting the actual offices. This ensures efficiency in service delivery because minimal costs are involved, and also ensure effectiveness because many people can be served at almost the same time. The government also illustrates the laws and regulations affecting the seniors through the internet. This ensures adequate publicity, because many people use the internet for getting information. Most of these legislations protect the interests of the elderly citizens; for instance, prohibition of age discrimination in public service delivery. In this
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Vulnerability Of Children Contributing Factors Health And Social Care Essay
Vulnerability Of Children Contributing Factors Health And Social Care Essay The purpose of this chapter is to establish an understanding of the state of children in South Africa, to understand the contributing factors to their vulnerability affecting their quality of life on a multi-dimensional level, and the impact of HIV and AIDS as one of the primary contributors to childrens vulnerability. In light of the information provided within this chapter, the full extent of the basic needs of children in South Africa could provide a foundation for understanding the churchs past successes and failures in order to promote a possible urgent consideration of new approaches. the state of children There is an urgent call for the involvement of faith-based organisations (FBO, like the church), non-governmental organisations (NGO) and local governments to assist in addressing the needs of vulnerable children (Blackman, 2007; Musa, 2005; Olsen, Knight Foster, 2006; Stephenson, Gourley, Miles, 2004). This urgent call stems is in light of the poor quality of life for these children, as well as the contributing factor of the HIV and AIDS pandemic. The church and other FBOs have been recognised by various authors and organisations in their partnership and role in community-based organisations (CBO) (Hoff, 1998; Olson, Messinger, Sutherland Astone, 2005; Olson, Knight Foster, 2006; Unruh Sider, 2005). The role of churches is widely recognised as a change agent whose involvement goes beyond just the here and now. But Unruh and Sider (2005) as well as Mitchell (2001) argue that churches, who are already involved in community development as their approach to social ministries, are not as effective as they ought to be and call for the urgent consideration of their approaches, underlying perspectives and motives. This urges the church to comprehend what the specific needs of orphaned and vulnerable children are, and to consider its effectiveness and its perspectives on how these needs can be addressed. Within the recommended community development response for the church as outlined by various authors (August, 1999; Dreyer, 2004; Du Toit, 2002; Liebenberg, 1996; Myers, 1999; Myers, 2006 and Vilanculo, 1998), there is an urgent call to be needs-based that is developed through the various methods and principles such a response involves. It is therefore essential to comprehend the general state of children, as the causes of vulnerability amongst children can only be understood when their realities are explained and projected. Only within the understanding of their vulnerability and contributing factors, can childrens needs be effectively met and thereby their quality of life improved. There are various statistical estimates and projections on the realities of children, concerning the numbers of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in South Africa. Within these various sources, discrepancies were identified between the different sources. The data include projections with regard to HIV prevalence, orphanhood, AIDS related deaths and even total populations. These discrepancies were compared and discussed within the work of Dorrington et al. (2006:27) for the year 2005. No actual data on the true state of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) were found or concluded as the available statistical data are all projections. Dorrington et al. (2006:17) reaffirm the use of the ASSA2003 Model, but encourage comparison with other projections. Bray (2003:44) raises further concerns regarding the methods used to calculate the estimates and projections in respect of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), but Bray is even more concerned with what one does with these projections and calls for the careful use of such projected data. Her concerns are based on the labelling of the children as well as the intended outcomes of interventions and the nature thereof. No source could however be found that denies the estimates and projections of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC). For this reason, only statistical data from four authoritative sources, due to their global involvement, leadership and advocacy in this regard ASSA2003 Model (University of Cape Town), Statistics South Africa, UNAIDS and UNICEF will be referred to in considering the regional and national data. The sources used in this study can be accepted as authentic and trustworthy due to the sources national and international activism for children and research within this field of study. Due to the trend in the past ten years of projected figures fluctuating to an unreliable extent, these projections will be handled with great caution. It also needs to be stressed that all projections and statistics provided here are estimates only. The statistical data provided within this study are included merely for the understanding of the realities children are facing and the contribution of these circumstances to the vulnerability of children. Statistical sources from primarily the past eight years (2001 2009) will be quoted and referred to, and all other sources (older than four years and other than ASSA, Stats SA, UNAIDS and UNICEF) will be weighed against these to determine the autonomy of their arguments and statements. 2.2.1 Defining orphans and vulnerable children In order to comprehend the reality of vulnerable children within the context of this study, a clear understanding of the two terms orphans and vulnerable children is needed. Skinner et al., (2006:620) refers to the importance of considering the situation of children orphaned by AIDS, but emphasizes that by looking at orphans affected by AIDS only, does not encompass the full scale of the reality of children, since the HIV pandemic as well as surrounding poverty are creating a context in which large numbers of children are made vulnerable. It needs to be stated clearly that within the understanding of the reality of children and interventions to assist them, it is acknowledged that HIV and AIDS are a major contributor, but not the primary cause or contributor to the vulnerability of children. HIV and AIDS feature as prominent factors contributing to the vulnerability of children but it cannot be separated from other contributing factors. Orphans According to Skinner et al. (2006:620) the most accepted definition of an orphan is a child who has lost one or both parents through death But this definition could also include loss of parents through desertion or if the parents are unable or unwilling to provide care. They refer in most cases to the absent parent as being the father (Skinner et al., 2006:620). Within the literature consulted, the age of the child includes from birth and varies up to between 15 and 21, depending on the context and the level of dependency on care-givers. According to Skinner et al., (2006:620), within the orphan grouping, levels of vulnerability are discerned by an understanding of the direct environment of these children. These environmental understandings are used to understand these orphans within an implicit classification system, such as the nature of their caregivers i.e., extended families, foster parents, community caregivers, child-headed households and institutional care, the level of additional assistance required, and between maternal, paternal and double orphans (2006:620). Various authors have raised their concerns with regard to stigmatizations when defining an orphan within a group such as AIDS-orphans; or their level of vulnerability within their environmental understanding such as the term OVC (Engle, 2008:9; Save the Children, 2007:29; Skinner et al., 2006:620; Smart, 2003:4). Care must therefore be taken with how any term relating to orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) is used as they become objectified or targets for stigma and segregation which further contributes to their vulnerability. Vulnerable Children Vulnerability is not an absolute state because there are degrees of vulnerability which depend on the situation of the child. According to Skinner et al. (2006:620) there are a number of contributing factors to a childs vulnerability and each of these adds to the cumulative load that the child carries. For them, the extent of the crisis and additional problems associated with it also affect the impact on the child (2006:620). Vulnerability is a very complex concept to define and very often the understanding thereof is limited to the circumstance of the child. According to Smart, (2003:4) the concept of vulnerability is not only restricted to individuals, such as children, but is often used to refer to households as well. There does seem to be a link between poverty and vulnerability suggesting that policies and interventions to improve vulnerability among the poor in general, will also have a positive impact on disadvantaged orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) (Smart, 2003:4). The South African Department of Social Development, defines a vulnerable child as a child whose survival, care, protection or development may be compromised due to a particular condition, situation or circumstance and which prevents the fulfilment of his or her rights (2005:5). These conditions could be identified by the following criteria according to Department of Social Development (2005:13), Engle (2008:10) and Skinner et al., (2006:623): A child who is below the age of 18, and meets one or more of the following criteria, is made vulnerable by it as it influences their quality of life: Has a chronically ill parent/caregiver (regardless of whether the parent/caregiver lives in the same household as the child), or Lives in a household where in the past 12 months at least one adult died and was sick for 3 of the 12 months before he/she died, or Lives in a household where at least one adult was seriously ill for at least 3 months in the past 12 months, or Living with very old and frail caregivers, or Lives in a household that receives and cares for orphans, or Lives outside of family care (i.e., lives in an institution or on the streets), Is born of a teenage or single mother; Is abused or ill-treated by a step-parent or relatives; Is living with a parent or an adult who lacks income-generating opportunities; Has lost one or both parents; Children whose survival, well-being or development is impacted by HIV or AIDS; Any physical or mental handicap; or any other long-term difficulty that would make it difficult for the child to function independently Skinner et al., (2006:623). These indicators could include the following constantly present signs: insufficient nutrition, signs of hunger, signs of insufficient sleep, poor hygiene or cannot engage in personal care and does not have clothing or clothing is dirty or damaged (Skinner et al., 2006:623). Illness, either HIV or other major illness; and emotional or psychological problems (Skinner et al., 2006:623); According to them these indicators could include apathy or helplessness that might show in the child as being unhappy, dull, being miserable or lack of motivation, neglect of schoolwork, irregular attendance of school or not performing well at school, low school enrolment rates, high repetition rates, and/or high drop out rates (2006:623). Low immunisation and limited or no access to health services, malnutrition, and a high burden of disease; Abuse at emotional, physical or sexual level; use of drugs (e.g., glue, alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana or crack) and not receiving adequate care (Skinner et al., 2006:623) particularly love, guidance and support; intra-household neglect when compared to other children in the household (2006:623). At a higher risk than their local peers of experiencing infant, child and adolescent mortality; Family and community abuse and maltreatment (harassment and violence); Economic and sexual exploitation, due to lack of care and protection It can be concluded, that even though the HIV and AIDS pandemic is evident as a major contributor and the presence of it will be visible in almost every aspect of being vulnerable; these as well as other factors contributing to vulnerability, must be acknowledged and considered within the wider context of other children. HIV and AIDS is not the only contributor to the problem of orphanhood and vulnerability. Other factors like poverty, wars, abuse, non-HIV related illnesses and natural and unnatural deaths, contribute significantly to the problem of orphanhood and vulnerability amongst children (Simbayi, Kleintjies, Ngomane, Tabane, Mfecane Davids, 2006:20). It is thus important that HIV and orphan interventions attend to the needs of all children, rather than focussing solely on those children affected by HIV/AIDS. 2.2 The SOCIAL STATe OF CHILDREN in SOUTH AFRICA South Africa is being considered as a developing country and an inspiration for the African Renaissance and humanitarian development. With South Africa supposable having the worlds best Constitution and Bill of Rights (Dinokeng, 2009:9), one would expect a reflection thereof in the reality of the lives of the children of South Africa. The National picture the general state of South Africas children The following data are year specific, but reflects the vulnerability of children in South Africa which is the primary focus of the inclusion of this data in this study. In 2006, there were 18.2 million children in South Africa and they constituted 38% of the countrys population, of which 38% were between 6 and 12 years, 34% being younger than 6 years and 28% were teenagers (13 17 years old) (Proudlock, Dutschke, Jamieson, Monson Smith, 2008:64). The livelihood-realities of South African children From all the children in South Africa, in 2006 an estimated 12.3 million or 68% of them lived in households with an income of less than R1 200 per month (Proudlock et al., 2008:63). A further 2.8 million or 16% of all children were living in households across South Africa where children were reported as hungry (sometimes, often or always) because there was not enough food (Proudlock et al., 2008:63; Stats SA, 2006:41). An estimated 10 million or 54% of South Africas children lived in rural areas according to research done in 2004. The Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo provinces were home to about 74% of all rural children in South Africa of which Limpopo was proportionally the most rural province, where only 12% of children lived in urban areas. In the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal provinces, there is more of an equal split between children living in urban and rural areas. In Gauteng there were 96% and in the Western Cape 87% of the children urban-based. It is a general practice that adults living in rural areas, often move to urban areas in search of work, while their children remain in the rural areas and are cared for by the extended family. There was an indication that babies younger than one year were more likely to be living in urban areas than older children, which suggests that babies born in urban areas initially remain with their mothers (Proudlock et al., 2008:87). The number of children living in informal housing (backyard dwellings or shacks in informal settlements) increased from 2.3 million in 2002, to 2.6 million in 2006 and also accounted for 12% of all South African children (Proudlock et al., 2008:86). Children living in formal areas are more likely than those living in informal or traditional dwellings to have basic services on site. They are also more likely to be closer to facilities like schools, libraries, clinics and hospitals than those living in informal settlements or rural areas. Proudlock et al. (2008:90) reflects on children living in informal settlements as being more exposed to hazards such as shack fires and paraffin poisoning. For them, childrens rights to adequate housing means that they should not have to live in informal dwellings (2008:86). Overcrowding is related to a shortage of housing and also to the size of houses being built. In 2006, 5.2 million or 28% of the total child population lived in overcrowded households (Proudlock et al., 2008:90; Stats SA, 2006:41). For Proudlock et al. (2008:90), Overcrowding is a problem because it can undermine childrens needs and rights, and refer to the right to privacy, and health as communicable diseases spread more easily in overcrowded conditions. For them, children in crowded households may struggle to negotiate space for their own activities. These children may also have less access to basic services such as water and electricity (Proudlock et al., 2008:90). Good sanitation is vital for healthy childhood as there are a number of negative consequences for children who are unable to access proper toilets. It is very difficult to maintain good hygiene without water and toilets children are exposed to worms, bacterial infection which compromises nutrition. A lack of adequate sanitation also undermines human dignity (Proudlock et al., 2008:91). In 2006, only 9.9 million, or 55% of South Africas children had access to adequate toilet facilities and 11 million or 61% of South Africas children had access to drinking water on site (Proudlock et al., 2008:91). In 2006, 10.6 million or 96% of all children of school-going age (7 17 years) were attending some form of school or educational facility. These figures however, are not an indication of the regularity of childrens school attendance; the quality of teaching and learning in schools, or about repetition and throughput rates (Proudlock et al., 2008:74; Stats SA, 2006:9). A reason for concern is the number of children who did not attend an educational facility, as according to Proudlock et al., (2008:74) and Stats SA, (2006:9), in 2006 there were about 447,000 children of school-going age that were not attending an educational facility, of which 337,000 were children aged 13 17. Every year there are 20 000 babies stillborn and a further 22 000 babies die before they are a month old (28 days), which accounted for 30% of all child deaths in 2006 (UNICEF, 2008:6). The mortality data for 2006 showed that the highest number of deaths in the whole population occurred in the 0 4 years age group of which the under five year mortality rate (U5MR) increased from 40 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2001 to 72 per 1,000 live births in 2005. The infant mortality rate (IMR) increased from 29 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2001 to 43 per 1,000 live births in 2005 (Proudlock et al., 2008:78;). It is estimated that one in every 17 children dies before the age of 5 (UNICEF, 2008:6). According to Proudlock et al., (2008:80) the leading causes of death in children under five may be divided into four categories: Complications during and shortly after birth According to them (2008:80), the leading causes of death among children younger than 15 years (for 2000 to 2005) are related to perinatal disorders (disorders that occur in the period of late pregnancy to seven days after birth), which means that newborn children and infants under one year are particularly susceptible to diseases. Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders remain the primary cause of death in the perinatal period and, since 2002, it is the highest specific category of death among children under 15 years. By the end of 2003, the perinatal mortality rate was 35.8 per 1,000 for all deliveries, and 26.4 per 1,000 for all infants weighing more than 1,000 grams (Proudlock et al., 2008:80). HIV-related illnesses HIV/AIDS remains the biggest threat to child survival as the HIV- and AIDS-pandemic continues to devastate the well-being and survival of children (Proudlock et al., 2008:80). Diseases directly related to poverty (for example intestinal infectious diseases and malnutrition) Gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases have shown a decline in incidence since 1997, and malnutrition as a cause of death, has halved between 2000 and 2005 (Proudlock et al., 2008:80). Trauma Unnatural causes of death that account for trauma are classified under unspecified unnatural causes, which makes up 7% of child deaths in 2005 (Proudlock et al., 2008:80). It was estimated for 2007, that for every 100,000 people, 41 were raped (of which 40% were children). This statistic is accepted as under-estimated by UNICEF and states that under-reporting of crime is common, especially when it involves people from the same family or community (2008:7). In the majority of crimes that happen within social or domestic settings, the perpetrators and the victims know each other they are family or friends (UNICEF, 2008:7). HIV and AIDS regional data South- Africa According to Smart (2003:7) the HIV- and AIDS-pandemic can be illustrated as a succession of three waves. The first wave is HIV infections, and it is followed some years later by the second wave of AIDS illness and death. This in turn, is followed by the third wave of children being orphaned by HIV and AIDS, with its impact at multiple levels (2003:7). But according to UNICEF (2004a:4) HIV and AIDS start to affect a child early in a parents illness, as children and young people in an HIV and AIDS-affected household begin to suffer long before a parent or caregiver dies, due to the effects resulting in household income that plummets, interrupted schooling and even total fall-out, either to care for a sick parent or to earn money. The impact thereof continues through the course of the illness, as well as throughout the childs development well after the parents death. Various survival strategies are pursued, such as eating less and selling assets, which are contributing to and intensifying the vulnerability of these households. For UNICEF, Children who are deprived of the guidance and protection of their primary caregivers are more vulnerable to health risks, violence, exploitation, and discrimination (2004a:4). According to UNICEF (2004a:3) children affected by HIV and AIDS are not only affected by orphanhood, but they are also made vulnerable when they have an ill parent, are living in poor households that have taken in orphans, are discriminated against because of a family members HIV status, or who have HIV themselves. For then, HIV and AIDS has joined a host of other factors and includes extreme poverty, conflict, and exploitation, which impose additional burdens on societys youngest and most vulnerable members (2004a:3). It is believed that due to the discrepancies in data older than 2005, there was a global under-estimation of the impact of HIV and AIDS pandemic in South Africa, to such an extent that South Africa was not considered to be a country facing the biggest impact of this pandemic, as compared to neighbouring countries like Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. Only in recent literature (from ASSA, UNAIDS, UNICEF and World Bank) dated from 2005, it was realized that South Africa will have the biggest impact of HIV and AIDS thus having the biggest burden of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) due to this pandemic. In 2007, the total South African population was 47.8 million people, of which 18.2 million where children under the age of 17 years (Proudlock et al., 2008:82; UNICEF, 2008:5). In the same year, it was estimated that 5.7 million South Africans were living with HIV, making South Africa the largest pandemic in the world (UNICEF, 2008:7 something not previously considered (UNAIDS/WHO, 2007:16; UNICEF, 2008:7). Women, especially those in their child bearing years, bear the biggest proportion of the HIV infection and a third of pregnant women are estimated to be HIV-positive (UNICEF, 2008:2). The HIV data from antenatal clinics in South Africa suggest that the countrys pandemic might be stabilizing, but there is no evidence yet of major changes in HIV-related behaviour (UNAIDS/WHO, 2007:12). By 2006, 294,000 children under the age of 15 years of age were living with HIV in South Africa (ASSA, 2005:n.p.; Proudlock et al., 2008:82) and the majority of them have been infected through mother-to-child transmission and therefore child prevalence among infants is largely influenced by the HIV prevalence of pregnant women and the interventions to prevent mother-to-child transmission (ASSA, 2005:n.p.; Proudlock et al., 2008:84). The highest prevalence amongst these children was in KwaZulu-Natal with 3.2%; Mpumalanga and the Free State with 2.6%; and Gauteng with 2.5 % (ASSA, 2005:n.p; Proudlock et al., 2008:84). The estimates from the ASSA2003 model further suggested that an overall prevalence of 1.2% in 2000 has doubled to 2.1% in 2006 for children under the age of 18 years (ASSA, 2005:n.p.; Proudlock et al., 2008:63). According to UNICEF (2008:24), life expectancy has plummeted by 15 years, from age 65 in 1996 to age 50 in 2005 and 1,000 people die every day as a result of AIDS-related illnesses.. In 2006, approximately 69% of children and adults with advanced HIV infection were receiving antiretroviral treatment (ART) (UNICEF, 2008:24) while still between 270 000 and 420 000 people died of AIDS related illnesses in 2006 (UNAIDS/WHO, 2008:7). KwaZulu-Natal had the highest number of deaths (15,209) due to AIDS related illnesses, as well as the second highest number (6,378) of children on ART in that year. Gauteng had the second highest number of child deaths due to AIDS related illnesses, but in the same year it had the highest number of children on ART (6,992) (ASSA, 2005:n.p.; Proudlock et al., 2008:85). According to Proudlock et al., (2008:84), the HIV-pandemic has progressed at a rapid pace over the last decade, and the necessary health services to address the needs of HIV infected children, have not been put in place. This has caused children to not be able to access the life-saving and urgently needed antiretroviral treatment (ART). Children in the path of HIV and AIDS orphans With a large number of factors already mentioned that are contributing to the vulnerability of children, the impact of HIV and AIDS can be expected to be another big contributing factor. In South Africa the number of orphans has been increasing slowly, and as a result has attracted relatively little public attention. In years to come however, the number of orphans is likely to rise rapidly as AIDS mortality increases (Johnson Dorrington, 2001:1). In 2001 they (2001:5) considered South Africas AIDS pandemic as still in its early stages, relative to other African countries, as South Africa has yet to experience the levels of orphanhood observed elsewhere in Africa. This is because there are more people infected with HIV in South Africa than in any other African Country, and it is therefore quite possible that the country will ultimately have more orphans due to AIDS related causes, than any other country on the African continent (Johnson Dorrington, 2001:5). According to UNICEF (2008:24), of all the countries affected by HIV and AIDS, South Africa has the most crushing burden, as a result of having the worlds highest number of HIV infected people. According to Proudlock et. al (2008:66), in 2006, there were 3.7 million total orphans this is equal to 21% of all children in South Africa with 619 000, or 3% of all orphans documented to be maternal orphans, 668 000, or 4 % of all orphans documented to be double orphans and 2.4 million orphans, or 14% of all orphans documented to be paternal orphans. According to them, the number of paternal orphans is this high because of the higher mortality rates of men in South Africa, as well as the frequent absence of fathers in childrens lives (Proudlock et al., 2008:66). Per province, the estimates for 2006 were as follows: KwaZulu-Natal with 978 000 orphans. Eastern Cape 816 000 orphans Limpopo 481 000 orphans Gauteng 392 000 orphans Mpumalanga 286 000 orphans Free State 284 000 orphans North West 281 000 orphans Western Cape 198 000 orphans Northern Cape 52 000 orphans (Proudlock et al., 2008:66) There has been an increase in the number of orphans in the past five years, and according to Proudlock et. al (2008:66) there were approximately 750,000 more children living as orphans in 2006 than in 2002 and consider this increase in light of the HIV- and AIDS-pandemic (2008:66). Further to this, they state that there where about 122,000 children living in an estimated 60,000 child-headed households across South Africa (2008:68). Of these, 89% were located in the following three provinces: Limpopo, KwaZulu-Natal, and the Eastern Cape (Proudlock et al., 2008:68). Yearly an average of 1.1 million babies are born, of which 300,000 were born to HIV-positive mothers and an estimated 78,000 of these babies run the risk of getting infected if nothing is done to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV. Half of these children die before they reach two years of age (UNICEF, 2008:13). Orphan projections As mentioned, the HIV- and AIDS-pandemic needs to be understood in terms of a series of waves Smart (2003:7). In South Africa, the first of these waves represented new HIV infections which according to Johnson and Dorrington (2001:5) peaked in 1998 at about 930 000 infections per year. This was followed by the second wave of the total number of infections, which was estimated to peak in 2006 at 7.7 million infections (2001:5). The third wave being AIDS deaths, is expected to peak in 2010 with about 800 000 (2001:5 deaths per year, which will lead to the fourth wave being AIDS related orphans. Johnson and Dorrington (2001:4) estimates this wave to peak at 3.7 million maternal orphans (children under the age of 18 years) (2001:13) and 4.71 million paternal orphans (children under the age of 18 years) in 2015, (2001:14) while the total number of children having lost one or both parents is expected to reach its highest level in 2014, at 5.67 million (2001:14). Johnson and Dorrington estimates that in 2015, these orphans (children under the age of 18 years and having lost one or both parents) would be 33% of the total child population, of which 18% would have lost a mother (maternal orphan) and 28% would have lost their father (paternal orphan) and 11% would have lost both their parents (double orphans). They further estimate to remain at these high levels for an expected 15 20 years, due to the general consideration that if a child lost one parent due to AIDS related illnesses, it is most likely for the other parent to also die of AIDS related illnesses, to the extent that by 2020 a total of 40% of all orphans would be considered double orphans (Johnson Dorrington, 2001:14). Giese and Meintjies (2004:2), Johnson and Dorrington (2001:22) call for these projections to be understood as merely predictions in the absence of any major treatment intervention or behaviour changes. Johnson and Dorrington (2001:ii) also states that within these projected orphan estimates, one needs to consider that firstly, relatively few orphaned children are likely to be HIV positive, as most HIV positive orphans do not survive for long enough to constitute a significant proportion of the orphan population. Secondly, the rate of orphanhood is likely to be the highest in the black African population group amongst poor socio-economic groups (2001:ii). Con
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Welfare :: essays research papers
Welfare      In the recent February article of the Los Angeles Times, Clinton has announced to go on with a plan to help people of welfare. Clinton challenged corporate bosses five months ago to take people in from welfare and trained them.      One of the main contributors of the project is a chief executive officer of the Monsanto Ca., the nation's fourth largest chemical maker. Clinton singled out the Monsanto company and other companies for helping out welfare workers. Monsanto has hired five recipient and found almost twenty more jobs for others.      Under the new laws of the welfare reforms, the able body workers should work within the two years of recieving benefits. Some of the good things out of this plan is that by the year 2005, only 14% of jobs will be done by more of the dependent poor people. This is bad because 46% of aid recipients had not completed high school or earned a General Equivalency Diploma. The ability to absorb more welfare recipients is limited by the high- technology chemical, agricultural, fiber and pharmaceutical development and manufacturing. These workers would have limited skills. Monsanto is highly protecteive of the privacy of its special new hires. The new employees are hired to fill a variety of clerical and light general- labor positions. They will not be identified as the company's welfare-to-work initiative.      The possible short-term effect this would have on society is that people, on welfare, would be able to work and get paid for it. This will allow them to be able to build finance of their own that they will be able to help them with their lives. The long-term effect, though it seemed good for the people, would be bad for everyone else who weren't on welfare. This would be because the people working off welfare would really be working off the tax payers money. So, the people who aren't living off welfare would be paying higher taxes and the people who are living on welfare would be paying less taxes. Education      Education is an important factor in society today. Without education, we wouldn't be able to boost our technology. Boosting the technology would then help us in the medical field, help us build better houses that are more durable to earthquakes, etc. I think that we should spend more of the budget on education.      If we spended more on education, we would be able to get more, better teacher to teach our children. With more teachers on the field, we would be able to teach more students than normal. To help the teachers out in there
Monday, November 11, 2019
Western Political thought: Machiavelli
Nicollo Machiavelli is one of the political thinkers that have contributed immensely to the development of the political thought. However, his thoughts and principles were a radical departure from those of his contemporaries. One of the political thoughts that were different from that of the past thinkers was on the morality of power. According to him morals cannot be used to judge the legitimate and illegitimate application of power. He claims that power and authority are equal variables and anyone that has power gains the right to give commands. He claimed that being good does not give one a moral authority and goodness does not give power to anyone. This view conflicts with the moralistic political theory that associated morality with authority (Nelson, 1995). Machiavelli criticizes the moralistic concept of authority saying that it does not add any value to power. The other political thought that was distant from the past thinkers was on the subject of law and force. Machiavelli first agreed with the past thinkers saying that good laws are important for an orderly political system. However he claimed that good people do not like following laws which means that for the good laws to work, there must be coercion. He wanted to imply that good laws have their legitimacy founded on the use of force. This thought appeared to be cruel, but in reality, laws cannot be legitimate if they are not accompanied by coercive force (Sydney, 2005). The last extreme thought by Machiavelli was on his treatment of politics. In opposition to the definition of the past thinkers who saw politics pragmatically. Machiavelli dismissed politics and an entity that could only be seen from the supremacy of powers that are coercive. The authority in politics according to him cannot exist independently and politics is all about gaining supremacy for personal interests (Nelson, 1995). Though Machiavellian political thoughts were different from those of the past thinkers, modern political theory is based on Machiavellian principles and thoughts. His eccentric thoughts have provided a foundation for the modern political theory.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Intercultural Communication and Negotiation in Indochina (Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam) Essay
Under this chapter, explores three main sub-topic which is firstly is barriers to effective communication, secondly is approaches to successful international negotiations, and thirdly is being culturally intelligent in Indochina. The discussion of differences in communicative goals in an intercultural negotiation setting. Every country have their own cultural whether Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam in communication also negotiation. The processes by which they do so are different, and this difference makes it hard and face some difficulties in process of communication and to conclude an agreement which is, of course, the big differences in the process of intercultural communication and negotiation are reflected in the differences in communication goals that are follow by parties that involved. CONTENT Barriers to Affective Communication As kineberg (1965) highlight that â€Å"we find that culture differ widely from one another in the amount of emotional expression which is permitted. According to Klopf and Park (1982), the ways people communicate and interact, their language patterns, nonverbal (communication without use of spoken language, and transfer of meaning through means such as body language and use of physical space) models all are determined by culture. Figure 1: Intercultural communication model (Source: Samovar and Porter, 1997) As we seen at the figure, cross-cultural communication theory begins with the assumptions of cultural variations. These differences act as barriers to communication. The differences exist and knowing the potential effects on communication, the communicator will be more sensitive to the fact and adapt such differences. Here means, that communicators have to understand each other. Culture bound verbal and non verbal communication is non-verbal codes contain of body movements, facial expression, chronemics (time), proxemics (space), gestures, and Para language. Verbal communication displays non-verbal signs through emotion and speaking style as well as intonation, rhythm and others. CAMBODIA Cambodia is a collective society which means individuals take second place to the group whether this is the family, neighborhood or company. In such societies, etiquette and protocol guidelines are used to maintain a sense of common harmony, for example subtle communication style are employed in order to minimize the chances of causing offense to others. The concept of face ties in with this collective outlook. Protecting both one’s own and other’s face extremely important. Face can roughly be translated as a combination of honor, dignity and public reputation that is attributed to a person. face can be lost, given accrued. Need to aware of the mechanics of face to ensure they do not cause anyone to lose face as a result of unintentional actions. Face is lost when someone is criticized, embarrassed or exposed in public, it can be given by complimenting someone publicly for example for their business acumen or hospitality. LAOS Laos style in cultural of communication is they really highlight the importance of greetings and the rule surrounding the â€Å"wa†. They practice unspoken and implicit communication. Communication with people in Laos also need to caution, patient and humality. Laos also to emphasize social standards such as gift, business card, and dress code. And in communication process, you have to watch sensitive subject like politics, history and religion. And lastly, in Laos, it is rude for strangers to touch upon the head of the children where as in western countries it is way of showing affection. VIETNAM In Vietnam communication intercultural styles is personal relationship are required for successful business relationship. The initial meeting is viewed as an introductory meeting where you get to know one another. You should wait for your Vietnamese counterpart to raise the business subject. Many meetings are conducted in Vietnamese and to ensure you avoid any potential cross cultural miscommunications you will need a translator. Vietnamese put a higher value on keeping one’s word than on contracts. Never commit yourself verbally unless you are prepared to stand by your word. Communication and negotiations move at a slow and pace and patience will be necessary cross cultural attribute. It is important to speak to all stakeholders, which often includes government officials. When recommending a proposal, it is a good idea to offer several ways the other party could structure the deal. Vietnamese like to consider options. Vietnamese are skilled negotiators. Approaches to Successful International Negotiations In international negotiation, cultural preparation to understand different worlds is central to successful strategy and tactics. One theoretical model which may be useful for preparation before do the negotiation set out by Richard D.Lewis in his book â€Å"When Cultures Collide.†He divided cultures into three main categories as follows. Many cultures are a mix, but tend to dominate in one or two categories: The relative positions of cultures can be roughly arranged in a triangle, as a guide to which negotiation approaches may work best: For successful cross-cultural negotiation it helps to have a logical mental process encompassing which is a clear analytical model for interpreting cultural behavior and applying that model to manage cross-cultural interaction. A sharpened understanding of your own personal cultural profile, and how that fits into the global context of the triangle, in such as attitudes to truth, risk, time, power and others. Adaptation of personal communication style to different cultures expectations in negotiations, as for example in the use of logic, emotion, initiation versus reaction, simplicity versus complexity, optimism to create a positive climate or a free investigation of problems at the outset. Also understanding of how trust is seen in different cultures, and using this as a means of bulding trust more effectively in negotiation. CAMBODIA The Cambodia style in cultural of negotiations is they really highlight on personal relationship also means here is long term relationship. The process of communication will be slow while they take time to get to know you. Here patient attitudes plays big role because of could jeopardize the decision in this communication. If proposing a large contract, it is advisable to first seek government approval. Cambodians are non-confrontational. They do not like saying â€Å"no†overtly. If they say â€Å"no problem†actually means there is a problem and what you have to asked for will not happen. Try hard to maintain your composure at all times. Displaying anger irritation could negatively impact negotiations. In this poor country, price is often a determining factor in business decisions. LAOS The key of establishing trust which is politeness and willingness to help. Identifying decision-makers and power chains or power conflict. Time, priority and deadline management is important. Attitudes in signed contract and their implications. And organizing the post negotiations phase. VIETNAM Approaches to change which is Vietnam’s intercultural adaptability and readiness for risk is minimal. Changes is difficult to bring about and the idea of it is not received with enthusiasm. In order for change to take hold, the idea needs to be perceived as good for the group and be accepted by the group. Meanwhile approaches to time and priorities is Vietnamese is very relaxed with its attitude towards schedules and timelines. Vietnamese will not upset others in order to force meeting deadline, and while appointments and schedules need to be set in advance, these should be viewed as flexible. Patience is a necessary attribute to successful cross cultural management in Vietnam. Global and intercultural expansion means that some managers may have a greater appreciation of the need to enforce timescales and as such, agreed deadlines are more likely to be met. Culturally intelligent in Indochina. Cross-cultural communication is one such global skill that will train people to adapt to any cultural contex. Cross cultural communication has appeared largely through the globalization of markets, affairs of nation-states and technologies. As already explain, people have to adapt with the latest information and communication technologies such as the World Wide Web ( ), ( ) this links is Center for Intercultural learning, provide about the facts and info cultural all country around the world. Others sources is computers, films, and television shape cultural and civic speech. Here, from this approaches will brings transformation economic and social relation to such an degree that cultural and economic barriers are minimized. Others approaches is take a world intercultural class. In this class, highlight to intercultural communication and discusses some specific methods and strategies. These include mastering issues like learning to honors and sharing one’s own culture while developing a capacity to be open to others cultures. As for example like classroom practices and strategies include intercultural explorations through the use of appropriate texts, films and other multi-media resources, short stories, contra case studies of cultures, group meetings, presentation and role plays. Cultural intelligence has various meanings that can be looked on as complementary. It’s also refers to behaviors that are considered intelligent from the point of view of people in specific cultures (Richard Brislin, 2012). Firstly learned information about Indochina cultures such as behaviours can include quick application of previously learned information in some cultures, getting along with kin in other cultures, and slow and deliberate consideration of alternative courses of action in still other cultures. On the other hand, cultural intelligence can also refer to the traits and skills of people who adjust quickly, with minimal stress, when they interact extensively in cultures other than the ones where they were socialized. The two uses of the term are related because people who want to be sensitive to other scan examine intelligence as it is defined and demonstrated in other cultures and can make adjustments in their own behaviours during their cross-cultural experiences. REFERENCES Jandt, F.E. (2001). Intercultural communication: An introduction (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications. Madrolle, C. (1996). Indochina. New York: Columbia University Press.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How To Write A Narrative Essay Guidelines And Useful Tips -
How To Write A Narrative Essay Guidelines And Useful Tips How To Write A Narrative Essay: Guidelines And Useful Tips The word essay came in English from French and historically dates back to the Latin word â€Å"exagium†(weighing). It is a unique literary genre and, in fact, is a privately written paper on a specific topic. How is it different from other types of academic assignments? The main feature of this work is that it presents its authors personal opinion and provides supporting arguments not only from science or history but also from the writer’s experience. What else should you be aware of? Other main features of such assignment are a relatively small volume, presence of main theme and its subjective interpretation, free composition, inner semantic unity and the ease of narration. What is an essay and how to write it? There are several different forms of this assignment that college student can face, each of which differs by purpose and way of presenting the information, while the structure is always similar. One of the most common types is a narrative essay. This form of ta sk often confuses students, making them look for professional assistance at a reliable narrative writing service, which is a simple and affordable way to get your paper. However, it is possible to cope with it on your own. In this article, we will consider the main nuances of writing a narrative essay and give you a few effective tips that will help you handle this task faster and with fewer efforts.Guidelines On Writing A Narrative EssayThis is a sufficiently detailed story told. A narrative paper tells about what happened to someone at a certain time event. This type of paper has to possess all elements of a good story – it should contain an introduction, a description of the place and time of the action, the plot itself, the characters, the culmination, and the final part. You have to state an understandable point of view. This type of work is written primarily with the authors point of view, but it is possible to present a story in a different light if one does not forget about his own view of a problem. Work out the morality of the chosen story. It is necessary to introduce ones own fundamental idea into the history under consideration through a thesis and make sure that all the constituent parts of this history support it. Work hard on a language of your paper. Words will be able to show certain emotions to readers; therefore, your choice of words should be approached with all responsibility.Useful Tips For Writing Narrative EssayIt is necessary to clearly define a fundamental idea of an essay before it is written. As a rule, a narrative essay should have a story and an analysis of this story. Narrative essay topics can be different but you can use a situation to illustrate it and show it in the way you want. Content should be interesting to readers, encourage them to read. It is highly recommended not to postpone process of writing an essay for the day preceding the last day. It takes more time to write a good work. It is necessary to avoid too l ong lists, unmarked lists within a paragraph, use of short words. What else? Pay attention to paragraphs, red lines, and establish logical links between all paragraphs this way you can achieve the integrity of your work. The theoretical positions used in your text should be presented in such a way that your understanding of their need for this work is obvious. Use the citation correctly. In the process of writing a paper, the work reflects not only an authors opinion but also the quotes of other authors who worked on this topic. They are used in an essay to strengthen their own position. Choose them carefully, while evaluating their significance. Using quotations across the text is appropriate but it’s necessary to present them with an introductory sentence, which provides a logical link between the quote and the preceding part of the text. Then you should quote the source and explain the meaning of the quote or your attitude to it.What Are The Most Common Mistakes In The Wr iting Process?Writing an essay isn’t limited in time; you can rewrite it many times, and ask your friends to read your essay. Take advantage of all the opportunities and try to avoid common mistakes.Bad checking is a common mistake in the writing process. Do not think that you can only check spelling in your document – you also need to reread your essays and make sure that there are no ambiguous expressions, unsuccessful turns, etc. Examples that you should not take note: I am proud to be able to resist the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco. Study in this university that located in a wonderful place, where there is a lot of Gothic architecture, will be a fascinating problem for me.Tired forewords. An insufficient number of details. Often, an interesting essay loses readability because of enumeration of statements without illustrating them with examples. The essays are characterized by the usual clichà ©s: the importance of hard work and perseverance, learning from mistak es, etc.The verbosity. Essays are limited to a certain number of words, so you need to intelligently dispose of this volume. Sometimes it means giving up ideas or details, especially if they have already been mentioned somewhere or not directly related to the case. Such things only distract the attention of the reader (listener) and obscure the main topic of the essay.Long phrases. The longer the proposal, the better some say so. However, this is far from truth as long phrases do not yet prove the authors correctness, and short sentences often produce a greater effect. Best of all, when long phrases alternate with short ones through the text. Try to read the text aloud and if you feel that you are catching your breath, break the paragraph into smaller paragraphs or give it to your friend/relative to take a short look. A fresh look will help you to see weak parts of the text and fix them.Do not overload the text with too much information. A narrative paper tells a story, which is wh y it is a bit different from a scientific work and does not have to be overloaded with facts and scientific terms. Thus, try to discard words from encyclopedias. Incorrect use of such words distracts the attention of the reader, diminishes the importance of the essay.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Impetigo Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Impetigo - Assignment Example (ii) Even if there is only one member in the family who is suffering from impetigo, the rest of the family members must adhere to the same hygiene. (iii) Do not try antibacterial ointments that are sold in pharmaceuticals shops because applying such ointments carelessly may spread the disease (Jeffrey et al, 2010). Question 3: There are no serious side effects associated with the use of Mupirocin topical. However, if one experiences any side effect, he or she should immediately stop using the medication and seek assistance from a doctor. The most side effects associated with this medication include peeling, skin irritation, dryness, blistering, and redness. Question 4: Various mechanisms through which mupirocin will interact with food as well as other substances in the patient’s body exist. Drug interaction always occurs when there is a decrease or an increase in the drug absorption in the body, drug distribution, drug alterations due to metabolism, and drug elimination by the body. The potential drug interactions will result from changes in body metabolism, absorption, or drug elimination (Barton et al, 2009). Question 5: There are generic versions of this medication (topical antibiotics), which are available. Such generic versions are usually sold as â€Å"triple antibiotic†cream or ointment. Most of the generic versions have less significant effect for treatment of impetigo. Patients who have histories of good results from brand name start experiencing challenges when a generic version is substituted. Therefore, if a patient is using an antibiotic drug that has no specified, no substitution, then such a patient is subjected to generic version drug, which have less significant to the disease compared to the original brand (Mclinn, 2008). Question 7: Both the age of the patient and extent of involvement will determine the
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The importance of Labour education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
The importance of Labour education - Essay Example Over nine million workers left their unions in the United States of America between 1990 to this decade and six million workers did the same in the United Kingdom in the same year. Of course it is worse in Asia. With the exception of Japan, Asian countries don’t even have unions. Canada is way better in that respect but still not ideal. Many of the manufacturing jobs have been shipped to Asian countries because in Asian countries, labour is cheap and there are no unions that will fight for their right. As jobs were declining, union membership did too. As jobs were declining, the reputation of unions to fight for the right of workers declined too. Add to this are government policies like high interest rates. From there, the government and the economy changed direction to pursue new ventures including deregulation of certain industries and other policy changes. This changed the way businesses were operating and it changed their labour requirement. It was also the year when globalization started crawling the streets of Canada. It was good and it showed in the performance of our market. The working class started realizing that the internet, telecommunication development, and development of new products for information and communication can provide them the same possibilities afforded only to the rich. The working class is able to tap on foreign economies and to the upper class who understood what was going on, it was probably scary. The working class was becoming aware that it was possible for them to do better and get a better share of the economy. It paid off because for 30 years, Canada experienced growth and more importantly, working class empowerment, hope and belief. The problem was that businesses started demanding for workers whose skills can serve their new international operation. They needed to specializations and long-time union members didn’t have them. That was the most sparking proof that workers cannot aff ord to hope that for the next thirty years, they will have a job at their company. Their skill might easily be rendered redundant when new machines are bought that can do what they do, only better. They don’t get sick and they don’t demand for a wage increase. Where is Labour Education Now We are at doorstep of incredible communication technology growth. I know that some will say we are already in the middle of it but if you look at history, we are barely on its feet. The internet and all the technology that comes with it is barely thirty years old. That is a young industry by any account. And with its growth comes influences that are changing the face and trend of the economy and labour requirements. The large companies continue to dominate the economy and politics. It has been frustrating to the working class. A quick glance at Canada’s GDP and it will be clear that that the labour share is low, a quick glance at the employment rate and you know that we have a problem. Bluntly, the statistics show that the working class is taking less than they should. Through all these, it is the working class that’s making the sacrifices. Unions are being asked to adapt, change, become flexible. Adapting and changing means stepping back a couple of times to allow the big companies the space they want for themselves. Adapt meant making your dreams smaller and pulling your expectations lower while the owners
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